Sunday 8 January 2017


                    Today we discuss about how human body  parts like heart and lungs are acts  as the DMA controller.
                   Lets me first explain about the DMA (direct memory access). Hardware parts of the system accessing the main memory independent of the cpu is known as direct memory access. This method is used for improving the performance of the cpu .
for example if transferring of data between main memory and hard disk is needed , if cpu allocates its total time for vigilance of this transferring of data , then performance of the cpu will be decreased .So we will need another device or controller  for vigilance of this data transferring . This can be achieved by DMA controller

                   When transferring of data between two devices needed , cpu initiates the transfer and controll is given to DMA controller . then DMA controller vigilance the transferring and when operation is completed , DMA controller interrupt the cpu. then cpu will do next operation .While the transferring of data cpu will do another task. like this we can improve the performance by using DMA controller.

           Lets me explain about working of heart beat . Initially brain triggers the heart beat , brain  leaves out of its concern , the heart supervises its own activity independently of the brain. if changes in heart beats occurs , the signals will be passed to brain regarding the change then brain respond to this change.
for example when heart beats raises during activities involving in stressed like conditions
heart gives signals to the brain regarding the change then brain is responsible for sweating around the body.
            In the same fashion , lungs are  also triggered by brain initially then lungs will supervise breathing activities regardless of brain most of the time unless change has occurred.


  1. Brain is analogous to cpu 
  2. Heart and Lungs are analogous to DMA controller 
  3. Breathing and heart beat are analogous to data transfer  activity in computer