Thursday 24 November 2016


Lets consider working principle of human body , first we take information from the
 sens organs , and it goes to brain through the nervous system and there its process that information and  then it will store that information or give the some response with the mouth or limbs
Now consider computer , it will take information from input devices and goes to cpu(central processing unit) with the help of buses , then it will process the data and store the data and give processed information to the output devices with the help of buses.
1. Here input devices like sens organs they will take data.These are keyboard ,         mouse,joystick,scanner, touch pad etc.

2.Nervous system takes the data from sens organs to brain. Bus in the computer also do same job. They also takes data from input devices to cpu.
3.Brain will take data from nervous system  and process and store it and sends it,  here cpu also do same job , it will takes the data from bus and process it and sends to output devices with the help of bus.

4.Limbs and mouth react according to those signals, here output devices like monitor , printer gives output according to signals comes from cpu.
5.A man is said to be alive , if there is a vessel(body) and a life in it. Same is true for computer also. A computer will work only if there is computer hardware and there is operating system in it. Here operating system(windows , linux, macos) is like life for hardware.
6.Skull protects brain by encompassing it. Here cabin of the system will protects cpu  

My name is thirumal and pursuing b tech from kakatiya university.
This blog is for explaining how a concept in computer science is affiliated with the real nature.Actually every new innovation is directly or indirectly related to the real nature.
For example airplane is same like bird,wings of the airplane is we can correlated with
 wings  of the bird,working of airplane is same like working principle of bird

lets take another example , if we consider a electrical pole for transmitting electrical signals from one place to another place its like same as poles in the temples , these poles in the temple  also  transmits electromagnetic signals 

So by this,  we conclude every concept in the nature is directly or indirectly related to real world engineering concepts.
So coming to my blog , i will correlate  computer science concept with the nature,so no more byheart studying,you just relate the concept with nature and understand the theme.