Friday 25 November 2016


DNS mainly used for giving an ipadress for a particular domain name for example if you request what is ipaddress of , it will give , it is important because in the internet every device is identified by its unique ip address .
Now consider how a DNS (domain name system)works .when we type something , first resolving name server takes this domain name ,by adding at the end .(dot),here .(dot)means root . And checks whether ip address of this domain is available in our system in the host.txt file , if not available then resolving name server goes to 3 server they are
1.Root server
2.Top level domain server(tld server)
3.Authorized server
1.first it will goes to root server and ask do you have ip address for this name ?
if doesnt have, then it will tell i dont know but i know where should find this ip address ,
in our example i.e., it will see the end of the name i.e., .com so it will the server address where this .com server is resides
2.Now resolving name server goes to that Top level domain server here in our case .com server ,here it will tell i dint know the ip address for this domain , but i know the ipaddress of this type of domain resides
3.So now resolving name server will goes to that pointed server i.e., authorized server
then this server checks the domain name i.e.,ilovemycomputerscience with containing names in this autharaised server. if it contains that address, it will give ipaddress of that domain name .
then resolving name server bring this ipaddress to the browser.Cache name server used for storing the ipadress while traveling from one server to another server.this is for only temporary .this time is known as time to alive.

Lets consider how a pigeon , after being transported, can find their way back from distant places they have never visited before. homing ability is based on a "map and compass" model, with the compass feature allowing birds to orient and the map feature allowing birds to determine their location relative to a goal site.While the compass mechanism appears to rely on the sun, the map mechanism relies on the ability of birds to detect the Earth magnetic field. Birds can detect a magnetic field, to help them find their way home.

it found that on top of a pigeon's beak large number of particles of iron are found which remain aligned to north like a man-made compass, thus it acts as compass which helps pigeon in determining its home.

lets take one example how pigeon find their home back after travelling to some place , first while it travelling from home to some place say warangal , it will identifies and remember some places (orientation with sun also) came in while travelling to warangal. lets assume while travelling home to warangal , it encounters a bigtree in the north direction with respect to sun, a signal tower in east direction with respect to sun, and a water pond in the north direction with respect to sun.
while on the return journey , it tries to recognize and compare its ongoing path with previous recognize the older path it traveled from home to warangal . in this comparision if the previous path tallies with the ongoing path it will continuous the same path , otherwise it changes its direction and proceed forward .

Now lets start comparison beween DNS and pigeon
1.every time resolving name server goes to local DNS server , so here local DNS server acts as reference point like sun in finding home path for pigeon .with reference to sun only a pigeon can find , wether it travelling in right direction or not.
2.All other servers are like finding correct path for finding the ipaddress of the domain ,in our example pigeon identification marks like tree , pond , tower etc. Here not only identification of landsmarks important but also ,in which direction these landmarks are there with respect to the also very important .