Monday 28 November 2016

                               To transmit the data from one device to another device we use computer networking concepts . In human body , to transmit the signal from one part of the body to another part of body , nervous systems are used .
But how can we correlate these two concepts ?
One is related to the structure of the network related to devices.
Another one is related to human body.lets see 

                              Network is the connection between different nodes(computers,devices). Network topology  is the arrangement of  nodes in a network. It gives in which structure computer's are connected in a network.
Types of network topology are
Star topology: In this topology nodes are connected in star form i.e.,there is a central node is there , all the other nodes are connected to that central node. central node may be hub or switch or router.
Bus topology:  In this every node is connected to the main cable (called bus) .so each node directly connected to other node.
Ring topology: In this nodes are connected in closed loop. Adjacent nodes are directly connected but other pair of nodes are indirectly connected.
Tree topology: It is combination of star and bus topology. Number of star networks are connected using bus. The main cable seems like main branch of tree and other star networks are branches .
Line topology: Also called as point to point topology . It is only for connecting  devices directly in the linear fashion.
Mesh topology:In this each node is connected with all other nodes directly.

                             Nervous system is collections of nerves and special cells called neurons that transmits signals to different parts of the body .Nervous are cylindrical bundles of fibers that start at the brain and central cord branch out to every part of body.


Even though the procedure for transmitting the data is different but structure for connecting one with another is same 

tree topology and nervous system in lungs:

ring topology and nervous system in brain part :

star topology and nervous system in eye:

relation bus topology and spinal cord:

fully connected mesh topology and nervous system in brain: